Trailer Components & Accessories

All-Alluminum Camp Kitchens from Trail Kitchens

We've seen dozens of different camp-kitchen setups in our travels. Everything from totes in the back of SUVs to fully customized hand built wooden chuck boxes. Trail Kitchens offers a low-weight alternative that's perfect for off-road trailers...

Compact Camp Kitchen

Starting at just $499, the Compact Camp Kitchen is a great place to get started. If you already have a stove you love, this little setup will help get the rest of your kitchen more portable & organized.

Camp Kitchen

The standard size offers a little more space for the $699 price tag, and also includes a handy utensil drawer built into the cube. With the optional wheel set, you can roll the kitchen any where you need it & be setup in minutes.

TK Camp Kitchen

TK Camp Kitchen with Integrated Stove

For a scant $899, you can go big with the TK, which includes an integrated stove. The big boy also includes a utensil drawer, 10" pneumatic wheels, and a 2 burner, 20,000 btu/hr stove. The entire package collapses nicely into a 28" X 17" X 21" box ready for your off-road trailer.

TK Camp Kitchen

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